Friday 14 October 2016

Critical Investigation tutorial 30/09/16

  • ·         Excellent reflection on Ignite presentation – I completely agree with the slight change in approach. Using smaller UK artists and exploring self-representation is fascinating and has the potential to make for a really good essay. In terms of the primary text – choose one and then use the others as secondary texts.
  • ·         One word of warning – Identity is an exam topic so the question and essay focus can’t look at identity explicitly. It will obviously be a factor (and representation is part of identity) but keep that word out of the question and introduction etc.
  • ·         Your research plan is going to be very important – there are simply loads of theorists and writers you can cover for representations of race/ethnicity. Alvarado and Fanon have both explored black representations. I’ve also ordered books by Gilroy and Gauntlett and these will need to be a major part of your research.
  • ·         One critical part is your title or question – work on this and we’ll go over it at the next tutorial.
  • ·         Linked production – music video. Makes perfect sense.
  • ·         Next steps: finish project proposal and start building a comprehensive research plan.
  • ·         Post this to your blog with a brief plan for what you will work on in the next 10 days.

Over the next 10 days I will be continuing to do more research to better my investigation e.g finding links of stories , articles , artists that can link to my topic. I will also be adding to my Notes and quotes and analysing my research in more depth so that people can get a better understanding of my investigation.